I proofread in Case CATalyst and PDF. When contacting me, please reference how you would like your transcript to be proofread.

  1. E-mail to confirm availability. If it is a rush job, please attach the transcript to your e-mail so that I can begin to work on it right away if I am available. Please complete my Reporter Preference Survey so that I can get to know you and your style. I want the transcript that I return to you to reflect your preferences.
  2. Send your transcript in PDF form. If you don’t have a PDF converter, click here for a free and easy-to-use converter.
  3. I mark the transcript with yellow highlighting and red and blue notations.
  4. I send your transcript back to you.
    • For PDF, I only include the annotated pages. Please make sure you open the PDF in the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader so that all of the notations are visible.
    • In Case CAT, please ensure that your “track changes” is turned on so that you can see my corrections.